CUPERTINO (CBS SF) – Apple is offering free recycling of all its used products and vowing to power all of its stores, offices and data centers with renewable energy to reduce the pollution caused by its devices and online services.
The iPhone and iPad maker is detailing its efforts to cultivate a greener Apple Inc. with an environmental section on the company’s website that debuted Monday. Among other things, the Cupertino company is increasing its reliance on solar and wind power while sending less electronic junk to landfills.
“We believe that climate change is real. And that it’s a real problem,” the company wrote on the new environmental page.
Apple has already been distributing cards at some of its stores in exchange for iPhones and iPods with some resell value. Now, all of the company’s stores will recycle any Apple product at no charge. Gift cards won’t be handed out for all recycled products. More information on which products qualify for a card is available online.
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