It’s serious, hundreds of children in Banyuwangi are suffering from negative vision due to gadget addiction


Banyuwangi, – Because of gadget addiction, hundreds of elementary and middle school children in Banyuwangi Regency suffer from minus eyes. Don’t be half-hearted, the minus is that it reaches 6 diopters. This condition is quite sad.

This minus eye disorder was discovered when BUMN volunteers held a social health service in Banyuwangi. When doing an eye examination, the results were surprising. Of the number of children who underwent examinations, the majority experienced nearsightedness. Starting from minus 0.25 diopters to 6 diopters. They consist of students from grades 1 to 6 of elementary school. There are also those who are in junior high school.

The main cause of eye problems in children turns out to be gadgets. Understandably, all this time, elementary to middle school students have used gadgets to study. The peak was during the Covid-19 pandemic. Apart from that, these children are addicted to gadgets because of playing games or other things.

“So, the main cause is using gadgets for too long. “These students have myopia or myopia due to exposure to radiation,” said Dr Ferizal Akbar SpM, after carrying out an eye examination at the Rail Clinic at Ketapang Train Station, Banyuwangi.

When using gadgets, children tend to get tense. This condition triggers vision problems. As a result, they need glasses to read. This condition requires the role of parents to supervise their children, so that they do not become addicted to gadgets which can result in nearsightedness.

“A maximum of one hour is already a long time. After playing on your cellphone, try to close your eyes for two minutes. This minimizes the effect of cellphone radiation on your eyes,” he explained.

These students who suffer from nearsightedness do not deny the habit of using devices. In fact, one use can last more than 1 hour.

Next page :

“Every time I come home from school, I always play on my cellphone. “When we checked, the minus was up to 5,” said Widya, one of the students.

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